Friday 13 April 2012

TOP 5 Road Trip Essentials (#TATERSALLSTARBUCKET included!)

Hey everyone, how's your summer so far?

I'm sure you guys are having a great time with your family & friends but we have another summer activity for you guys to try out.

Who's up for a roadtrip? :D

Summer roadtrips are a cheaper way to get around plus it gives us more bonding time with our loved ones while on the way to our destination.

What are the top 5 things to bring on a roadtrip?

1. Map & GPS - To avoid arguments and have a hassle-free travel, it's best that you know your way to get to where you plan to go. In case technology fails (aka your GPS), it's nice to have a back-up and have a map of your own.

2. Digital Camera - they say that traveling is all about the journey and not the destination. To capture moments in and out of the car, it's best to be prepared. You never know what special or crazy event could happen.

3. Music - While you're on a long trip, you're going to need some tunes. Great music can make your trip so much better than spending it all in silence. Make sure you gather all those summer hits in your music player.

4. Drinks - Being in a car for prolonged periods of time in the summer can get pretty warm so make sure you have beverages to keep you hydrated and cool. 

5. Snacks - In between soundtripping and capturing moments in the car, what better way to pass the time than to eat? You know what the best kind of snack to bring is? Taters All-Star Bucket, of course! You can choose from our variety of snacks to fill your bucket with - popcorn, tortilla chips, cornachos, tofu chips and corn-y mix. The plastic bucket and handle make it easy to transport and the cover helps to keep it from spilling.

So, on your roadtrip this summer, don't forget your Map & GPS, digital camera, music, drinks & your own #TATERSALLSTARBUCKET!!!

Have fun! :) 

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